說出日語好關係:出口仁老師日語小冊系列 icon


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About 說出日語好關係:出口仁老師日語小冊系列

Naoki Hansawa said, "Beifu しだ! "(Double rebate) deeply impressed Taiwanese theater fans. It can be seen that "Japanese communication" is not only "asking directions, ordering food, and greeting", but using the "critical sentence" at the "right moment" is the effective Japanese conversational power that resonates!

Authorized by Lemon Tree, the Japanese Language Booklet by Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. “Quotations and Single Sentences” is designed with concise content. In occasions such as daily making friends, online messages, temporary needs, etc., the key to the dialogue that brings the emotional distance closer:

  ──When the other party needs comfort and encouragement, he will show positive, courage, and positive thinking [Japanese Inspirational Quotes]
  ──turning "praising your heart" into "words", creating a good interaction between the two sides [Japanese beautiful words and phrases]
  ──Remind that it is easy to hurt relationships, cause conflicts and misunderstandings [Collection of Japanese impolite words and deeds] (This book is silent)
  ──Really feel the words of the heroes and heroines of the idols in Japanese TV dramas [A Complete Collection of Japanese Love Story]

At the moment of watching a drama, since you can memorize the protagonist’s signature lines; the moments of waiting for someone on the ride, and making good use of trivial time, you can definitely accumulate Japanese "words" and create real-life conversational skills. You can listen to the pronunciation of Mr. Ou Jen at any time, and the situation in Japanese is flowing in your ears. The sentences are concise, not long, and you can listen and read sentence by sentence, without burden, and the results will be even more rewarding!

【Learning function】
1. Reading and listening training: Teacher Yiu Ren pronounces himself and can listen to the full text or sentence by sentence to train the ability of reading and listening.
2. Speaking speed setting: You can set the playback speed according to your listening ability, from slow to fast, reducing frustration.
3. Bookmarks: bookmark important learning content to facilitate repeated review in the future.
4. Catalogue browsing: Provide catalogues, allowing you to quickly enter the content of the course you want to learn.
5. Notes: You can take notes during the learning process.
6. Font: The font size can be adjusted according to requirements.

● Production and distribution: Xiaoteng International
● Customer service contact: If you have any thoughts or suggestions on the product, or encounter problems in use, please contact us (Mebook)-
  1. Customer service mailbox: welcome@mail.soyong.com.tw
  2. Customer service phone: please call 02-77210772 and 510 during office hours
   We will serve you wholeheartedly.

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