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About SG Real PSI

Got haze in Singapore? Want to check PSI, pollution and PM2.5 readings around Singapore? Use SG Real PSI app!

NEA's PSI reading is based on a 24-hour average. While it is a good measure of exposure, it tends to dampen the impact of sharp drops or increase in PSI readings in an hour.

We have created what we think is a right implementation of NEA's official PSI formula on to deduce the actual, hourly PSI measurements from hourly PM2.5 readings.

Our hourly PSI figures are calculated using NEA's hourly reading. Unlike others, we don't use our own sensors which may or may not be calibrated correctly or accurate.

Important Disclaimer: We are not experts on air pollution. We create this app because we are curious about what the actual hourly PSI looks like. Our figures may be wrong. Please use at your own risk.

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