The Tzeltal keyboard is the product of the “TZ'IB'MA Project: Phonemic Digital Keyboard for Mayan Languages” which is part of the Nuq'ej Project at CIESAS-Sureste of Dr. Eladio Mateo Toledo (B'alam) in collaboration with a team of Tzeltal speakers.
Tzeltal keyboard equipment:
Eladio Mateo Toledo (B'alam), director and coordinator (CIESAS, Mexico)
Dr. Jaime Pérez González (University of California Santa Cruz-Santa Barbara)
Prof. Sandra Rocío Cruz Gómez (Indigenous Bilingual Education. Chiapas, Mexico)
María de Jesús Gómez Sánchez (Independent)
Developer: Maximiliano Pombo Stügelmayer
Tzeltal keyboard equipment:
Eladio Mateo Toledo (B'alam), director and coordinator (CIESAS, Mexico)
Dr. Jaime Pérez González (University of California Santa Cruz-Santa Barbara)
Prof. Sandra Rocío Cruz Gómez (Indigenous Bilingual Education. Chiapas, Mexico)
María de Jesús Gómez Sánchez (Independent)
Developer: Maximiliano Pombo Stügelmayer
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