Намаз: обучение для начинающих icon

Намаз: обучение для начинающих

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About Намаз: обучение для начинающих

Namaz is a Persian word for one of the most important types of worship to Allah Almighty: certain words and movements that together make up the Islamic prayer ceremony.

Every adult (according to Shariah) and a Muslim of sound mind must first learn how to perform namaz, and then daily - at certain intervals - perform it.

In Arabic, prayer is denoted by the word "salt", which originally means "dua" ("prayer" - that is, an appeal to Allah with a request for good for oneself or other people). The whole complex of words and movements began to be denoted by this word, since the dua is the most important part of our prayer.

Namaz is, first of all, our connection with Allah, as well as an expression of gratitude to Him for all the countless blessings that He has bestowed upon us.

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