Zhismoniy shahslarning videokuzatuv va tasvirga olish technique vositalari ҳamda mobil қurilmalari (video technics vositalari) orqali қayd ethylgan electr, issiқlik energiyasi, ghazdan foidalanish қoidalarini buzish bilan boғliқ ҳҳуқбузарль ҳolatlari tҞғ risidagi photo-video ezuvlarni yuborgan shakhslar huqukubuzardan undirilgan zharima khisobidan mukofot bilan ragbatlantiriladi.
Persons who sent photo and video recordings of violations of the rules for the use of electricity, heat, gas, recorded using video equipment and recordings from mobile devices (video equipment) of individuals, will be rewarded at the expense of a fine levied on the violator's right.
Persons who sent photo and video recordings of violations of the rules for the use of electricity, heat, gas, recorded using video equipment and recordings from mobile devices (video equipment) of individuals, will be rewarded at the expense of a fine levied on the violator's right.
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