Point of sale application, Ideal for small businesses that serve people live such as:
Liquor Stores, Fast Food, Pizzerias, Gourmet Food
in the App you can:
- Manage products and inventory
- Manage tables
- Take orders by table
- Management of orders in the kitchen
- Print and customize invoices (use your own icons)
- Inventory management
- Indexed Inventory Management (which depends on another product, examples salchichipapa)
- Waiters Management
- Sales report, Inventory
Liquor Stores, Fast Food, Pizzerias, Gourmet Food
in the App you can:
- Manage products and inventory
- Manage tables
- Take orders by table
- Management of orders in the kitchen
- Print and customize invoices (use your own icons)
- Inventory management
- Indexed Inventory Management (which depends on another product, examples salchichipapa)
- Waiters Management
- Sales report, Inventory
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