Pocket Water Tracker icon

Pocket Water Tracker

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About Pocket Water Tracker

Pocket Water Tracker, reminds you to drink water timely!
Save the body in short supply of water after workout and yoga, enhance immunity, release stress and get rid of fatigue after work with this app.

- You could stay water hydrated as long as you have a drink water reminder!

- Daily using this water drink reminder will keep your body in healthy condition!

* Very Easy to use
* Beautiful character and UI design
* Water Reminder that will remind you the water you need to drink in the rest of the day
* Customized starting and ending time to drink water within a day
* Graph and logs of date record
* Stay healthy, keep fit and drink enough water!
* Sync weight and drink water data with S Health.
* Everyday Drink Water Reminder
* Records of Daily Water Intake
* Customizable Water Cup
* No reminder during sleep time
* Its Absolutely Free
* Benefits of drinking water:
- Stay in shape and keep fit, as it’s calorie free
- Clear up your skin
- Keep your skin and nails healthy
- Help Prevent Kidney Stones
- Hydro your body
- Water your body

Pocket Water Tracker Screenshots