Doa Selepas Solat Fardhu (2) is unavailable. Alternatives:
This application not only to display information related to prayer times, Qibla and supplication/doa. We constantly try to improve the contents of this application. Main Features ● Prayer times and waktu solat based on your local timetables London Central Mosque (United Kingdom). ● Accurate prayer
This application as a guide for muslim on solat (pray) ibadah. Aplikasi ini sebagai panduan kepada warga muslim dalam menunaikan ibadat solat (sembahyang) menurut Islam. Sesuai untuk pembelajaran anak-anak berkenaan sembahyang. Antara kandungan - Rukun solat, wuduk, solat fardu 5 waktu, doa & wirid
Panduan doa dan zikir selepas solat is a must for every muslim. * Ejaan rumi for bacaan doa (useful for muaalaf) * Zikir dan wirid mengikut sunnah. * Syarat-syarat doa dimakbulkan. * Bacaan doa lepas sembahyang ringkas (mudah dihafal) * Malay language. * Free version. * Auto Rotate mode (optimal f
Formerly known as Softnet Waktu Solat. Efficiently uses of technology in helping your daily prayers. Round the clock and the most complete prayer time-table and notifications. Highly customisable to your liking: background images, ringtones, azan, and sounds/audios. Auto silent ringer mode and manu
This application contain daily prayer (doa) that taken from Al Qur'an and Al Hadits that contain more than 200 prayers. Most of the prayer are taken from Kutubussittah (six books that are containing collections of hadith). For English, you must download version 1.12. This application itself is j
This application provides wirid and prayer guidance after prayer step by step and complete with digital rosary to facilitate counting. Hopefully it will benefit the users. v.3.1.2 - bug fixes v.3.1.1 - bug fixes v.3.1 - bug fixes - adding app settings buttons - the option to use the larger naviga
An elegant app, easy and convenient interface for prayer times, kiblat direction and nearby masjid wherever you are. * Data source from E-Solat JAKIM * Solat time of Imsak, Subuh, Syuruk, Dhuha, Zohor, Asar, Maghrib and Isyak. * The next prayer time is highlighted to easily aware for next prayer
Solat Fardhu merupakan aplikasi mobile yang dibangunkan oleh pihak MSDDI sebagai platform untuk semua lapisan umat Islam dan juga untuk pengguna yang ingin belajar tentang Solat Fardhu dengan lebih terperinci. Aplikasi ini mempunyai fungsi seperti pengertian solat dan juga tatacara solat secara terp
This application contains a collection of doa and zikir. Also included reading Ruqyah verses to negate the interference of spirit. It was hoped that this application will help the users in terms of practice and memorization. Aplikasi ini mengandungi koleksi doa dan zikir. Turut dimuatkan bacaan ayat
The first app developed for Mumineen, now built better to help everyone with namaaz and doa – removing all barriers to prayer. The Namaaz and Doa app has the most accurate prayer times & azan application for Mumineen. It also features doas with Arabic scripts, phonetics (transliterations), translat
After completing the obligatory prayers, we are strongly encouraged to say tasbih, tahmid and takbir as well as istigfar. The practice of wirit, zikir and doa after prayers is a must for every Muslim after completing the obligatory prayers or sunat prayers. This application provides guidance and he
Waktu Solat Malaysia ialah aplikasi waktu solat dengan data solat yang di ambil dari laman web rasmi Jabatan Kemajuan Islam malaysia (JAKIM) iaitu . Selain memaparkan waktu solat bagi lokasi anda, aplikasi ini juga mengandungi : ★ Data Jadual Waktu Solat Malaysia diperol
Round the clock and the most comprehensive salat time tables and notifications. * Tahajjud, Sahur, Imsak, Syuruk, Fajr, Sunrise, Dhuha , Zuhr, Jummuah, Asr, Maghrib and Isya salat. * Highly customisable to your liking: background images, ringtones, adzan, and sounds/audios. * Auto silent ringer
The purpose of this app is to aid the muslim community to recite various doa for various functions, often held by malay muslims communities. The content of this is best suited for the muslim community of Brunei Darussalam and may also be suitable for use in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. It al
Panduan Solat Jamak Qasar is a guide for a muslim in Malaysia to pray Jamak and Qasar while musafir. This android apps is suitable for a Muslim who travel a lot. It's a guide base on Jakim *Niat dalam Rumi dan Arab *Syarat Qasar dan Jamak *Takrif Qasar Jamak *B
*beta: track when we read our solat. Now the app comes with solat tracker, so we can track when we read our solat. Tap the blue button which will change accordingly; if it's time for zuhur, the button label will be zuhur. Overtime, we can improve and not procrastinate. Details below. Waktu solat
About: An easy to use (ads free) app which contains authentic 267 Do'a and Zikr for muslim's daily supplication and special occasion. It covers every daily day to day activities and occasions, from day to night. The app will greatly benefit to all muslims and insyaAllah bring us closer to Qur'an and
Assalamualaikum, Kaum muslimin, apakah anda pernah mengalami: •Anda ingin memulai suatu aktivitas, ingin berdoa seperti yg diajarkan Nabi, namun anda tidak tahu apa doanya? •Anda mengalami kejadian yg menyenangkan/menyusahkan, ingin berdoa sesuai yg dicontohkan Nabi, namun tidak hafal lafalnya? •An
*** Special Masnoon Doas App for Ramadan 2018 *** Doa-doa Pilihan / Hisnul Muslim / Daily Supplication Malay with Arabic Language Alhamdulillah, Hisnul Muslim (Daily Supplications) is completed specially for all the Muslim readers. This application gathers the selected supplications which can be a
Get the application of dhuha prayers and the problems surrounding the implementation of dhuha prayers. We share this information in this application. There are 39 questions and answers once. Facts And Features - Interesting Features of this Application: 1) You DO NOT NEED INTERNETLINE to read thi