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Application to buy bus tickets online. We provide an easy, fast shopping experience and above all with total security and confidence since we have an SSL security certificate.
Our APP allows the purchase of tickets by selecting the origin and destination of the trip, the date of the trip and all the available buses will be presented, after which the trip of interest must be selected according to the destination and time, after the which they can continue logging in or as a guest user, they will be shown the available seats in green, which can be selected by clicking on the seat. Later, they will be presented with a form where they can enter the passenger's personal data, such as ID, paternal surname, Maternal last name, names, date of birth, email and if an invoice is required, they may also provide the RUC number and company name. Once the form is completed, we proceed with the purchase, pressing the Continue button, after which the trip data and passenger information will be displayed, which we must verify to proceed with the payment with debit or credit cards. Once the purchase is confirmed, a form will be displayed with the purchase data and the possibility of being able to print the electronic travel ticket. In case the purchase is rejected, the information will also be provided with the reason for the rejection.

With the trust of our thousands of customers, we can tell you that you can make your purchases in this app with complete security.

Main routes:
Lima – Huanuco
Huanuco – Lima

Main terminals:
HUANUCO: Jr. Crespo Castillo No. 810
BOTH: Malecón Leoncio Prado N°421
HUARIACA: Av. Huallaga N°494
LIMA LYNX: José Gálvez N°1121 - Santa Beatriz
LIMA LA VICTORIA: Av. Nicolás Arriola N°535 Urb.Sta Catalina
LIMA ATE: Av. Prolongación Javier Prado N°8756

Contact information:
Huanuco: 062-512903 - 962623413
Both: 996118242
Huariaca: 920272950 - 980772295
Lince Lince: 01-4721402 - 996682030
Lima La Victoria: 01-4018318 - 932744440
Lima ATE: 991160207 - 959933613

ETPOSA Screenshots

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