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Christian Hymns UK

David Clark

About Christian Hymns UK

Christian Hymns consists of over 942 hymns, of which 235 are new hymns with about 190 that were in the previous edition now omitted.

The Christian Hymns app consists of 942 hymns and over 1300 tunes. All hymns and tunes that are out of copyright are free. Hymns and tunes that are in copyright can be unlocked for a small fee from within the app.

App Features:

- Search hymns by title, author and verses.
- Go directly to a hymn number
- Add hymns to favourites
- Hymns are listed by printed book contents, index of first line, Psalms and index of biblical references
- Listen to the hymn tune. A hymn can have multiple tunes that can be accessed from the playlist
- Change hymn font size, font type and background color
- Prevent the hymn tunes playing accidentally by using the built in 'silent mode'

Christian Hymns UK Screenshots