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PDR Mobile

PDR Mobile Solutions, LLC
4.0 out of 5

About PDR Mobile

The simplest and most cost effective PDR estimating app on the market. We focus our suite of products specifically for the PDR professional, whether you're doing route work, wholesale work, or chasing hail, we keep you pushin’.

App Features Include:
- Robust & intuitive estimating
- Scan VIN decoding
- Advanced filtering & search
- RO & QC status indicators
- Select & import contacts
- Pre-loaded insurance rate matrices
- Create custom matrices
- Photo management & editing
- App wide notes
- Multiple vehicle quotes/invoicing
- Industry standard R&I times
- Parts replacement feature
- Supplement creation & tracking
- Related & unrelated damage documentation
- Insurance standard photo package
- Preview estimates/quotes/invoices
- Easily share documents
- Vehicle specific panel layout
- Labor only estimating feature
- Push-to-paint estimating feature
- Price overrides on all lines available
- Tech repair allocation
- Sales and tech pay reports
- Set up projects and invite sub-contractors

PDR Mobile Screenshots