Color Scanner Tool icon

Color Scanner Tool

Jose Toro

About Color Scanner Tool

Capture colours with your device´s camera and share them over the most popular social networks.

Key features:
It captures 10 colours per second.
It displays colour names.
It speaks colour names. Recommended for people with disabilities.
You can send messages with one or more colours over the most popular instant messaging services.
You can share colours over social networks.
Zoom control.

Do you have smart lights?
Point to any object and see how the lights that you have selected change to that object's color.
Point to your TV while you're watching your favorite movie or show. The lights will synchronize with the scene that you're watching.

Point to your clothes and make that color your device's background.
Point to a wall and get the colour to paint another room.
Send the colour of anything to ask for an opinion.

You will discover your own ideas.
Also recommended for schools and for professionals such as artists, painters, architects, etc.

Color Scanner Tool Screenshots