Meet people or contacts on map icon

Meet people or contacts on map

Jose Toro

About Meet people or contacts on map

Create all kinds of events and share your location on a map with your friends, colleagues or family.
The included privacy options allow you to stop sharing your location or block users at anytime.

Birthday parties, office meetings, hangouts, travel places, etc.
Soon you will discover new uses.

Key features:

It shows on a map your position and those of your contacts.
It shows your distance and that of your contacts to the meeting point.
It provides directions for arrival.

Lazing will warn you by voice when:
You arrive or leave to the meeting point.
Your contacts arrive or leave to the meeting point.
Everyone has arrived.

Events are saved for later use.
You can share an event with people so they can use it with their own contacts.

Meet people or contacts on map Screenshots