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Safe Excavator

National Excavator Ininitative
4.3 out of 5

About Safe Excavator

What It Does:

Safe Excavator is an easy, fast, and free way to access the legal requirements pertaining to excavation in every state, arranged by relevant topic. It also allows you collect and track data regarding excavation damage and near misses to underground facilities, and if you choose to, report it to the Damage Information Reporting Tool.

By making information accessible to users in a rapid, flexible, and secure manner, Safe Excavator maximizes user efficiency – whether that involves planning an excavation project, or in assessing safety and productivity at a glance. Forget the paperwork and get on with the actual work!

For Example:

No matter what state you are (or will be) in, Safe Excavator can help you determine:

• The length of advance notice required to be given to the 811 notification center in order to have underground utilities marked prior to the start of excavation;
• Whether and how need for pre-marking or white-lining should take place before contacting the 811 notification center;
• The information you will need to provide the 811 notification center in order to get a ticket issued, as well as information about the ticket itself – including size and life limitations;
• How to determine the “tolerance zone” surrounding any underground facilities in the area of a proposed excavation, as well as activity limitations within the zone; and
• When it’s necessary to re-contact the 811 notification center.

Safe Excavator can now also be used to:

• Track damages and near-misses involving underground facilities;
• Collect and analyze both leading and lagging root cause indicators; and
• With user permission, submit information to the Damage Information Reporting Tool, also known as DIRT.

Highlights of App:

• Safe digging laws organized by state and topic.
• In-app links to 811 notification centers – both telephone and web – by state.
• Damage tracking and analysis.
• Contact information for 811 notification centers and enforcement agencies by state.
• Identification and contact information for underground facility owners by state.
• Safe digging tips and checklist.
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