Shine Alternative Fitness (or what we call ‘The Art of Fitness”), inspired by Dima Shine and Russ Petroni, was born from the idea of creating an alternative way to get fit. Russ and Dima came from performing arts backgrounds, which were the incubator of different emotions, passions and experiences. Shine Alternative Fitness is a combination of different physical exercises mixed with an artistic touch. The idea of alternative fitness is based on having a great time while improving your general well-being. You are not only improving your overall conditioning, but you are learning different skills, such as flexibility, strength, dance, etc… The unique approach of alternative fitness gives everyone a chance to be able to feel and experience what the artistic performing world is about. To touch, feel, understand and appreciate the natural gifts and abilities of the human body is the foundation of Shine Alternative Fitness. Alternative fitness is not just about how to get a great body. It’s about feeling beautiful and confident in oneself as well as being healthy. That is why Dima and Russ wanted to create a place for everybody of all ages and shapes. The goal of Shine Alternative Fitness is to encourage everyone to discover their own spirit through “the art of fitness”. We are happy to introduce you to a new way of fitness and much more…
- Let yourself shine!
- Let yourself shine!
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