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Volcanoes & Earthquakes

Tom Pfeiffer
4.2 out of 5

About Volcanoes & Earthquakes

Volcanoes & Earthquakes shows the latest earthquakes and active volcanoes on a map and as list.
You can filter the data shown in various ways, e.g. by magnitude or age of earthquakes, the distance from your location, the status of volcanoes and so on.

The original earthquake / volcano data can be found with more detail on www.volcanodiscovery.com. Earthquake data are continuously being collected and updated from multiple sources.

- Latest earthquakes as list and map
- Detail earthquake information
- Earthquake and volcano alerts
- Custom alerts for quakes near user-defined locations
- Alerts for quakes you possibly felt near your location
- See currently erupting volcanoes on a map
- Complete volcano lists by name / country / activity level
- Get most recent volcano news
- Volcanic Ash Advisories (VAAC) for fast lookup of ongoing / new volcanic eruptions with ash emission
- Recent earthquakes worldwide for up to 7 days (incl. magnitudes 1.5 or higher for many regions)
- Earthquakes near active volcanoes
- Plate boundaries on map (optional)
- Multiple data sources (more than 25 national and international agencies)
- Filter earthquakes according to magnitude, age and distance
- Earthquakes over magnitude 6 for the past year
- Submit / read experience reports ("I-felt-an-earthquake") (if an earthquake near your location could have been strong enough to be felt)
- Show "I-felt-an-earthquake" reports on map along with quake
- Detail information about each earthquake in list
- Smallest data format to save bandwidth
- Offline access with cached data

Volcanoes & Earthquakes Screenshots