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About Sahabhagi

A new kind of banking is emerging from all parts of India. It’s Kind of a co-operative bank, but on a very small scale, and without being a certified bank. This is known as SHG (Self help groups), BC, BeeCee, Committee, Friends-Club, Kitty Club, Money-Club.

This concept provide reliable access-to-credit for people with diverse financial background. Without any guarantee, paperwork or huge interest.

A club is created by few known people. Members of this club start saving small-amount every month. The collected amount is significant and given as a loan to the group member who needs it.

Accounts management of group saving is critical and done by one of the group member. Quickly it grows beyond simple to complicated.

Here comes the SahaBhagi App: Transparent & Simple Management for Group-Savings.

* Any group member can create the club.
* Set installment amount and loan interest rates.
* Invite your group members.
* Add admins who will help you in management
* Start saving.

* Create clubs
* Manage members
* Manage contributions
* Request & Disburse loans
* Manage loan installments
* Manage expenses and incomes
* Automatic Interest Calculation

As if now, all the group savings is done in cash. Therefore we have created the system for cash management. In next few releases we will add the support for online payments via UPI.

Currently app is free to use. A very small fee will be charged in future. If you do not pay, still you will be able to use the app in read-only mode.

Frequently it is misspelled as: SahBhagi, SahaBhagi, SehBhagi, SehaBhagi, ShahBhagi, ShaBhagi, SheBhagi, ShehBhagi, SahBagi, SahaBagi, SehBagi, SehaBagi, ShahBagi, ShaBagi, SheBagi, ShehBagi
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