

iSTORAGE 我的儲存空間特設手機應用程式,讓顧客安坐家中仍可享有一站式存倉服務,仿如把家中的儲存空間無限延伸。iSTORAGE手機應用程式集租倉、入倉預約、禮品換領、收納用品選購、賬戶記錄、倉庫管理等功能於一身,讓顧客體驗前所未有的新時代存倉服務。
iSTORAGE launched a specially designed mobile app to let the customers enjoy one-stop storage service with ease, which allows the customers to extend their limited storage space at home. iSTORAGE mobile app consists of various features, including Cabinet Rental, Reservation and Cabinet Unlock, Membership Scheme and Gift Redemption, Purchase of Storage Accessories, Storing Records and Cabinet Management etc., providing the customers with unprecedentedly convenient storage experience.

功能特色 Features:

租倉 - 顧客可選擇所需的存倉計劃及上傳證明文件,毋須親臨iSTORAGE,隨時隨地完成租倉手續。
Cabinet Rental - Customers can complete the procedures of cabinet rental by picking storing plans and submitting supporting documents via Mobile App without visiting iSTORAGE.

入倉預約及解鎖 - 顧客可透過手機應用程式預約,並以預約QR code入倉,24小時輕鬆提存物品。
Reservation and Cabinet Unlock - Customers can make reservation via mobile app and access their cabinets in 24 hours with QR codes.

會員積分計劃及禮品換領 - 顧客可透過存倉賺取積分及換領心儀禮品。
Membership Scheme and Gift Redemption - Earn points and redeem goods through cabinet rental.

選購收納用具 - 顧客可隨時隨地於手機應用程式選購收納用具
Purchase of Storage Accessories - Customers can shop storage accessories anytime via mobile app

我的記錄 - 顧客可查閲所有賬戶記錄,包括租倉、交易、預約等記錄,簡單快捷。
My Record - Customers can check all account records, including cabinet rental, transaction, reservation records, with ease.

我的倉庫 - 顧客可透過手機應用程式管理已租用的智能倉,包括製作貼紙、與其他成員共享智能倉、如加設層板等。
My Cabinet - Customers can manage their cabinets via mobile app, including generating stickers, sharing of access right and adding shelf boards etc.
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iSTORAGE Screenshots