TimeCrumbs icon


Convenient Code, LLC
5.0 out of 5

About TimeCrumbs

Tracking your time is made simple with this intuitive interface for:
- Tracking your time with a timer
- Naming your task
- Logging your time retroactively
- Reviewing and Editing your timesheets
- Exporting your timesheets to CSV files
- Syncing your data with iCloud
- Setting reminders to keep your work on track

TimeCrumbs gives you an overview of your totals and encourages you to log those small tasks that add up to a real difference in your freelance paycheck!

Happy time tracking!

This app was thoughtfully designed and built by:

- iOS Developers -
Austin Goetz
Landon Epps

- UX Designers -
Elimisha Williams
Kyle Baughan
Natalie Isaacson

- QA Specialists -
Eric Baker
Lyndsi Littlefield
Mallory Mathews

- Project Manager -
Ryan Greenburg

TimeCrumbs Screenshots