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Platon Todo List

1hand4you UG (haftungsbeschraenkt)

About Platon Todo List

You want to increase your productivity?
You want to share your ideas and tasks with friends and colleagues but not with companies?
You don't want to create a user account with any company?
You don't want a monthly or annual subscription?

Then Platon is the right choice. Because of a secure end-to-end encryption not even we have access to the data. The data is encrypted locally on your mobile phone and decrypted on the recipient's mobile phone. Access to the data is not possible.

current features:
- easy pairing of devices without a registration
- support of the most common mobile phone platforms
- Night mode
- comment function incl. pictures for the tasks
- background image per task possible
- assigning tasks
- set priorities
- set due dates
- intelligent lists
- adjust the colors within Platon
- coupling of devices via barcode scan or PIN

planned features:
- WebClient (almost finished)
- print
- to implement your ideas

DSGVO compliant points:
- secure end-to-end encryption (ECDH/Curve 25519 for key exchange and Salsa20 for message encryption)
- the messages are immediately deleted from the servers as soon as they are delivered
- in the log tables the IP addresses are stored in a shortened form and deleted after one day
- encrypted storage on the mobile phones (AES256)

Platon Todo List Screenshots

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