Vowel Explorer - Thai icon

Vowel Explorer - Thai

Snapdragon Apps

About Vowel Explorer - Thai

Hello! Sawasdi ka!

Are you a language learner, looking for resources to help you advance on your journey to Thai fluency?

If you are, this is an essential tool to help you master the challenging topic of vowels! 

With this app, you will develop a comprehensive knowledge of the vowels quickly and easily.

When we were learning Thai, we wish we had this resource. So we created it!

Here it is.

We’re sure it will help you learn the vowels with confidence.

We’d love to hear from you - if you have any feedback (or just want to share your love of the Thai language, or say สวัสดี!) here is our contact info: thaivowels@gmail.com .

Vowel Explorer - Thai Screenshots

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