Eagle GPS is an asset tracking platform relying on wireless communication between GPS devices attached to an asset (e.g. car/truck/bicycle/container/etc.), therefore moving together. Eagle GPS Mobile app allows viewing those tracked assets (devices) as well in real-time on map, send commands to them (if applicable, depending on device type) and view historical data (breadcrumbs). It also facilitates the integration of mobile devices (cell phones, tablets, etc.) with Eagle GPS asset tracking platform (therefore acting as a virtual GPS tracking device), transmitting to the server (as configured through the app) the following: mobile device identifier (detected automatically), user ID, latitude, longitude, altitude, heading, speed (subject to mobile device capabilities, configuration and user permissions) and timestamp (UTC). That data is sent out only when initiated by user and the user can stop that transmission anytime, either by pressing a button or by terminating the app. Depending on device and user permissions, the transmission may continue in the background, when the application is hidden or minimized, even after logging out (a user name and password are required to use the application).
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