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Simplify Self Care PM Calm


About Simplify Self Care PM Calm

Simplify Self Care PM CALM is 30 minutes of Calm for your Nervous System. The Relaxing, Stress Relieving, background sounds of Nature help set your body up for sleep.

PM CALM starts you off with four rounds of guided breathing to bring your nervous system down a notch.

Then the soothing sounds of nature continue on for 30 minutes. Designed specifically to continue messaging your nervous system that ‘all is well’ at the moment and it is safe to relax. Passively you continue to reap benefits as you drift off to sleep.

HOW? As with every Simple Self Care Tool we are leveraging Science to benefit our body. When it comes to sound and our Nervous System: I share that here:

As you repeatedly use PM CALM for relaxing your nervous system you’ll find it becomes easier and easier to experience better sleep and or return to sleep when disrupted. To see results others shared:

The APP keeps count of your days. Be on the lookout for around 90 days in. Your body in general has a calmer and calmer disposition.

Use the Head to Toe tracker on the APP in the drop-down menu when you begin because most of us FORGET HOW MUCH DISCOMFORT WE LIVED WITH and it’s often only when clients revisit their Tracker email they go WOW I forgot I lived with that pain all the time.

SO HOW DOES this work? The guided breathing and special background are supporting one of your body's biggest health and wellness influencers your HPA Axis.

Learn more about your body's biggest influencers and how when balanced they set your body up to achieve your goal you can watch.

Use Simplify Self Care with mo's PM CALM in the evening with children helping them unwind, reduce their anxiety, improve their sleep as well as providing them with a way of establishing SIMPLE SELF CARE habits that will benefit them a lifetime.

Use the link in the drop-down menu to visit the Simplify Self Care with mo Youtube channel. For PM CALM on Youtube

Simplify Self Care PM Calm Screenshots