SF50 Takeoff and Landing Data helps Cirrus SF50 Vision pilots do their performance calculations. Simply launch the app, enter your weights, and the app will calculate how much runway you need to take off or land in your VisionJet.
SF50 TOLD supports both automatic and manual weather entry, custom safety factors, and non-normal configurations (such as FLAPS 50 ICE or FLAPS 0). All data comes from the SF50 G1 Airplane Flight Manual* and is interpolated for current conditions.
Important Note: This app downloads airport and weather data for the United States only. On first launch, the app will download airport data for the entire United States. This process takes about 15 to 30 minutes, and you should probably keep your device plugged in to power during the data import.
*This app has not been approved by the FAA or by Cirrus Aircraft as an official source of performance information. It is your responsibility to ensure that the performance data you use is accurate for current conditions.
AFM: Aircraft Serials with Cirrus Perspective Touch Avionics System and FL280 Maximum Operating Altitude
P/N 31452-001
Reissue A
SF50 TOLD supports both automatic and manual weather entry, custom safety factors, and non-normal configurations (such as FLAPS 50 ICE or FLAPS 0). All data comes from the SF50 G1 Airplane Flight Manual* and is interpolated for current conditions.
Important Note: This app downloads airport and weather data for the United States only. On first launch, the app will download airport data for the entire United States. This process takes about 15 to 30 minutes, and you should probably keep your device plugged in to power during the data import.
*This app has not been approved by the FAA or by Cirrus Aircraft as an official source of performance information. It is your responsibility to ensure that the performance data you use is accurate for current conditions.
AFM: Aircraft Serials with Cirrus Perspective Touch Avionics System and FL280 Maximum Operating Altitude
P/N 31452-001
Reissue A
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