Shhh! icon


Build Passed, LLC
4.7 out of 5

About Shhh!

You are at a secret location. Everyone is given roles and shown the location.
Except for the spy! You must deduce who the spy is through a series of questions, while the spy tries to identify the location.

Shhh! is designed to be played over FaceTime with SharePlay*. However, you can also play locally with your friends and non-iOS users via a game code.

There are 16 locations in the classic pack:
• Airplane
• Bank
• The Beach
• Company Party
• Concert
• Cruise Ship
• The DMV
• Hospital
• Hotel
• Library
• Movie Theater
• Museum
• Restaurant
• School
• Warehouse
• Zoo

You can get more packs, or create your own location packs with an in-app purchase.

Also try enabling the 'Spy Academy' location. At this location, everyone is a spy!

*SharePlay requires iOS 15.1 or later

Shhh! Screenshots