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Grain Aeration & Storage App

Dirk Maier

About Grain Aeration & Storage App

Engineering tool for grain storage and aeration processes developed by INTA (Grain Postharvest Group of the EEA INTA Balcarce, Argentina) and Iowa State University. In the Air-Grain Moisture Relationships section the user will be able to estimate Equilibrium Moisture Content (EMC), Equilibrium Relative Humidity (ERH) or Safe Storage Moisture Content (SSMC) for different types of grain and environmental conditions. This section also indicates if a certain air condition (T and RH) is suitable for the user's goals (drying, keeping moisture, or rewetting the grain). The Aeration Cooling Prediction section estimates the final condition of temperature and moisture content at which the grain equilibrates when aerated with a certain air condition, taking into account the evaporative cooling effect of the grain. In the Aeration Weather Forecast section, the user will be able to select a location and the App will return a specific aeration forecast for the next few days, with recommendations for fan run hours.

Grain Aeration & Storage App Screenshots