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Get Connectz


About Get Connectz

For the smooth functioning of an organization, it is vital to look into your employees' wellbeing & keep them connected to be part of the organization. If the employee is unhappy about something or irate then it is the duty of the supervisor or the top authority to be aware of the situation.

Further all organizations are equipped with many fixtures & equipment. These organizations still lodge complaints & track their maintenance over phone calls or on paper. This means time is wasted on administrative tasks, and information inevitably goes missing. These issues should be addressed immediately to have smooth business operations.

Get Connectz is a common platform for grievance & maintenance issue reporting and is a dedicated tool to your employees to connect real time with respective officers or departments. No complaint or issue shall go unheard in an organization with Get Connectz.

Get your organization on Get Connectz, employee grievance & maintenance issue reporting and management platform.

Reach us on +94 773 651881/ +94 777 340377 or

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