The Partner Platform is a networked fund-sharing platform in which familiar groups contribute to a closed lending group and take turns withdrawing the sum of the pool value on a cyclical basis.
Globally, many people in family/friend groups participate in interest-free closed lending groups managed by a trusted member who is known as the ‘banker’, and funds are distributed to members on a schedule, granted, each member has given their contributing portion each month.
The Partner Platform enables members to create and participate in blockchain-powered closed lending-groups with utilizable functionalities, such as established official record-keeping, automated scheduling and fund distribution, in-built communication channels, streamlined loading and unloading of funds using debit cards and bank accounts, plus more.
Globally, many people in family/friend groups participate in interest-free closed lending groups managed by a trusted member who is known as the ‘banker’, and funds are distributed to members on a schedule, granted, each member has given their contributing portion each month.
The Partner Platform enables members to create and participate in blockchain-powered closed lending-groups with utilizable functionalities, such as established official record-keeping, automated scheduling and fund distribution, in-built communication channels, streamlined loading and unloading of funds using debit cards and bank accounts, plus more.
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