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Ace Achievers Dental Academy

Testpress Tech Labs LLP

About Ace Achievers Dental Academy

Ace Achievers Dental Academy was officially founded on 2nd March 2014 when we started our first course for AIPG and AIIMS PG Entrance Exams. Since then the Academy has consistently produced Top Rankers across AIPG, AIIMS, PGI, NEET, Army dental corps-SSC, Army inservice MDS selection, UPSC and various state level PSC exams.

And we are determined to see the day when all Top 10 ranks in NEET and AIIMS will be bagged by the students of Ace Achievers.

As members of ACE achievers dental academy, we all are committed to achieving excellence in all endeavours and achieve the pinnacle of success.

Ace Achievers Dental Academy Screenshots