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About c.l.a.n.

c.l.a.n. is community for learning and networking. c.l.a.n. is your personal and confidential performance coach which connects you with your performing colleagues who care about you and who want to share their secrets of success (sos) so that you can also win.
it’s important to learn to walk in performer’s shoes and see the world differently. that way you avoid mistakes, but also see new ways to perform and earn incentives. 

c.l.a.n. knows that front line executives like you have a very tough job. you are expected to achieve your targets - despite the challenges in the marketplace and intense competition and despite many things not in your control. and this creates a lot of stress and performance pressure. sometimes performance goal posts appear unclear and unachievable 

there’s a wonderful chinese proverb that a fish can’t see water.

the good news is that there are many in your team are performing even in the same tough situations. they are just like you, they were hired and trained like you. if they can win, so can you 

the truth is these performing colleagues are doing a few key tasks and they do it differently and they are willing to share it. if you know their secrets of success, you too can achieve 

c.l.a.n. is india’s first 
• digital, mobile based, role centric, peer supported, ai based, performance enhancement and acceleration platform, customised to work in your work environment 
• it helps each employee to discover his/her own performance journey - identify the gaps, learn, and implement the solution, track the performance improvement, in real time 

what are the key features of c.l.a.n.?
• it is in your hand - in your mobile as an app 
• it is available 24x 7 - seven days a week 
• c.l.a.n. respects your time and will recommend what you need, today
• c.l.a.n. sos are easy to understand because it is in very short videos - english and vernacular  
• c.l.a.n. sos are practical to implement because it is made by your own colleagues and it is working for them, right now
• after you watch the video c.l.a.n. will connect you with your colleague who made the sos video, to ask questions and to seek help when you implement the sos 

how will c.l.a.n. help you?
c.l.a.n. will share secrets of success (sos) of your own team members and coach you to get higher incentive: 
• c.l.a.n. will help you prioritise your work. It will share what are the critical tasks you must focus. Good news is that only 20% of your tasks are the key tasks 
• top performers do these key tasks differently. c.l.a.n. will find out their secrets on “how to do” these critical tasks and share their videos 
• c.l.a.n. will connect you with these performers so that you ask doubts and seek their help when you practice their sos
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