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Pocket Chef - Sant’Andrew Crox

Giovanni Bruno

About Pocket Chef - Sant’Andrew Crox

Now it is possible to instantly calculate the W strength of two flours.
Thanks to Pocket Chef, you will always have at your fingertips the essential tool for any self-respecting pastry chef or cook.

Do you want to make a dough with two different flours and want to know the final strength W? Pocket Chef will do the calculation for you.
Or, do you need to make a recipe with a flour you don't own? Enter the W of the flours you have to get the desired W.

How often do you have to adapt recipes to ingredients that we don't have?

Now, if you need to make an ice cream base with 35% fat cream, but your cream has 37%, knowing that whole milk has about 3.5% fat, you just need to ask Pocket Chef how many grams of milk must be added!

Or, we have a chocolate with 70% cocoa and another with 35%, and we have to get a 41% chocolate. It's possible? Of course! And you need 120g of the 70% chocolate and 580g of the 35% one.

This, together with the calculations for the alcohol content, make Pocket Chef a unique and very useful app in the Food and Beverage industry, but also at home.
Whether you need to make a biscuit, a pastry dough or a mousse, you don't have to worry anymore. The result will be perfect.

Our latest feature is the Calculator, where you can multiply or divide the ingredients of your recipes by a desired number of times.

In the Options, you will find an email form to contact us and give us your opinion on Pocket Chef, or if you want to integrate other useful calculations into your work.
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