Color 15339 icon

Color 15339

Ufro Limited

About Color 15339

This is the Color 15339 App for verifying the color difference among physical objects.
Color 15339 also matches the nearest colors among ISO 15339 coated or uncoated colors.

-- Features:
●Instantly measures a physical object, matches to the nearest ISO 15339 colors
●ISO 15339 Coated (CRPC6) and Uncoated (CRPC3) libraries are included.
●CMYK, sRGB, ARGB, and Lab colors are included.
●Build a bridge between the virtual and the real-world colors.
●All the colors around you are your color palette.

Hardware information:
Instapick, a color capture device from Ufro Inc., instantly measures a physical object.
Please also visit for hardware information.

Color 15339 Screenshots