Self Help Classics . icon

Self Help Classics .

4.9 out of 5

About Self Help Classics .

Always at hand on the go: 60 life changing masterpieces from Napoleon Hill, Dale Carnegie, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Florence Shinn and more.
* Featured by Apple and tens of personal development blogs *

Develop and grow with the wisdom of the best self-help authors & self-made billionaires. Receive 30+ of the best self help books when you download the app; use the Premium Bundles to expand your collection up to 60 titles of wisdom.


• Kristen Butler, - "I was so excited when I found this app – if you are passionate about learning and growing, you will too"
• - "There are 60 titles available, all of which offer inspiration, ways to change and improve your life, and the kind of motivation you need to take charge of your own life"
• Michelle McCullough ( - "If you have a smart phone, you need - and I mean NEED - the app Self-Help Classics"


Hand picked best-selling authors to help your mind and spirit: Dale Carnegie, Napoleon Hill, Seneca, James Allen, Benjamin Franklin, Andrew Carnegie, Florence Shinn, Wallace Wattles, Henry Ford, Albert Einstein... and more.

Several of the included masterpieces:

"The Art of Public Speaking" - Dale Carnegie
"Think and Grow Rich" - Napoleon Hill - the most popular motivational book of all-times
"The Master Key System" - Charles F. Haanel
"The Art of Money Getting aka Golden Rules for Making Money" - P. T. Barnum
"Acres of Diamonds" by Russell H. Conwell - the most popular motivational speech in history
"The Science of Getting Rich" - Wallace Wattles
"Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie" - Andrew Carnegie
"Letters from a Stoic" - Seneca
"Self-Reliance" - Ralph Waldo Emerson
"As a Man Thinketh" - James Allen
"Dynamic Thought" - Henry Thomas Hamblin
"Art of War" - Sun-Tzu
"As a Man Thinketh" - James Allen
"Self-Reliance" - Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Self Help" - Samuel Smiles
"The Game of Life and How to Play it" - Florence S. Shinn

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