Tap on the knob in Morse Code to enter text. Then copy the text to use in other apps. Or email it.
No need to look at a tiny keyboard. If you know a little Morse Code, you can now enter some text without having to look directly at your iPhone.
The Morse Code WPM (words per minute speed) is adjustable over a 5 to 45 WPM range so you can tap as fast or slow as you are capable. Both straight key and iambic keying (automatic dots and dashes) modes are supported. You can adjust the knob/dots to be on the left or right. Audio feedback is provided at a configurable frequency.
If the timing of your keying (Morse Code "fist") is excellent, you can have the spaces between the words inserted automatically. Otherwise, this app provides a mode where spaces are suppressed. You can instead tap on the text field to enter a space, and stroke backward on the text field to delete mistakes.
On devices running iOS 8, you can also install a 3-key (for dot, dash and space between characters) Silent Dot Dash Morse Code keyboard to use within other apps. Install using the iOS Settings app, under General:Keyboard:Keyboards:Add...
This iOS 8 Custom keyboard extension currently does not produce any sound or tones. The extension keyboard does not collect or store any app or keyboard input data, nor does it connect to the network.
No need to look at a tiny keyboard. If you know a little Morse Code, you can now enter some text without having to look directly at your iPhone.
The Morse Code WPM (words per minute speed) is adjustable over a 5 to 45 WPM range so you can tap as fast or slow as you are capable. Both straight key and iambic keying (automatic dots and dashes) modes are supported. You can adjust the knob/dots to be on the left or right. Audio feedback is provided at a configurable frequency.
If the timing of your keying (Morse Code "fist") is excellent, you can have the spaces between the words inserted automatically. Otherwise, this app provides a mode where spaces are suppressed. You can instead tap on the text field to enter a space, and stroke backward on the text field to delete mistakes.
On devices running iOS 8, you can also install a 3-key (for dot, dash and space between characters) Silent Dot Dash Morse Code keyboard to use within other apps. Install using the iOS Settings app, under General:Keyboard:Keyboards:Add...
This iOS 8 Custom keyboard extension currently does not produce any sound or tones. The extension keyboard does not collect or store any app or keyboard input data, nor does it connect to the network.
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