The most useful flashlight app for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. 65+ effects are included in one app!
Exciting features:
1. Brightest and fastest flashlight with brightness control. You can shake the device to turn it on/off!
2. Built-in compass. You can always know the correct heading in the darkness!
3. Colourful blank screen. You can change it to white, red, blue, green etc and adjust the brightness.
4. Super big icons. Extremely clear at night.
5. Colourful glow sticks.
6. Spinning images (with animations).
7. Beautiful candle flames.
8. Very handy clocks.
9. SOS signal.
10. HELP! (in many languages).
11. Police car lights.
12. Lovely stars.
13. Cute hearts.
14. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
The compass is available on iPhone and iPad only.
Reviews by users:
5-star United States Jan 6, 2011 by Taco master 54
Best L E D Light - When your the best, screw the rest!
5-star United States Dec 2, 2010 by ZeroCost
Go get it! - Not only does what it promises, but does it very well. It's the last app I use every day to walk from the door (where the lightswitch is) to the bed. Thanks!
5-star Italia Feb 8, 2011 by Dusu80
Spettacolo - Non accendo più le luci in casa!
5-star Italia Feb 6, 2011 by Ekkekka...
Utile - Fa sempre comodo una torcia in tasca. Funziona benissimo.
5-star Japan Feb 13, 2011 by あらららら不思議あら不思議
いいね! - 毎日寝る前の消灯時に真っ暗になるので歩いてベッドまで行く時に使ってます。重宝してます。
5-star Japan Nov 30, 2010 by 清孝 平生
使いやすい‼ - 車の足元に落ちた物を拾う時や映画館の出入りに使いました。思ってたより明るくて簡単でした。
5-star Japan Dec 8, 2010 by マークにゃな
助かるー - 暗いところで探し物をする時にかなり役立ちます。L E Dなのが嬉しいですね!
4-star Korea Jan 2, 2011 by 문주
유용해요 - 밤길에 꼭 필요한...
5-star Korea Dec 29, 2010 by Csy6379
Very good - 필요한 기능에 충실한 수작!
5-star Sweden Feb 12, 2011 by Shiido666
Perfekt - Alltid till hands. Ett måste
5-star Sweden Feb 9, 2011 by Joso81
Perfekt! - Vad kan man säga.. Bra belysning när man behöver det... Toppen
5-star Spain Jan 1, 2011 by Loixartx
Una buena linterna - Cumple perfectamente su cometido, sencilla y eficaz.
5-star Spain Dec 8, 2010 by Centralmaskota
Linterna - Muy buena, una linterna eficiente!!
5-star China Feb 21, 2011 by 丹宝~~
不错! - 那是相当给力呀!
5-star China Feb 18, 2011 by 悠悠晨风
还可以 - 还是很实用的。尤其是跳闸找保险的时候。
4-star Switzerland Dec 4, 2010 by Teramano1968
Buona applicazione - Ok
4-star Switzerland Jan 27, 2011 by Port.-1990
L E D - Sehr empfehlenswert!!!
5-star Germany Jan 17, 2011 by Eugen Baur
Das Licht Leuchte - Einfach, schnell zur Hand und praktisch.
5-star Germany Feb 3, 2011 by tomheu
Einfach eine Taschenlampe - praktisch, einfach, gut - was will man mehr
Exciting features:
1. Brightest and fastest flashlight with brightness control. You can shake the device to turn it on/off!
2. Built-in compass. You can always know the correct heading in the darkness!
3. Colourful blank screen. You can change it to white, red, blue, green etc and adjust the brightness.
4. Super big icons. Extremely clear at night.
5. Colourful glow sticks.
6. Spinning images (with animations).
7. Beautiful candle flames.
8. Very handy clocks.
9. SOS signal.
10. HELP! (in many languages).
11. Police car lights.
12. Lovely stars.
13. Cute hearts.
14. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
The compass is available on iPhone and iPad only.
Reviews by users:
5-star United States Jan 6, 2011 by Taco master 54
Best L E D Light - When your the best, screw the rest!
5-star United States Dec 2, 2010 by ZeroCost
Go get it! - Not only does what it promises, but does it very well. It's the last app I use every day to walk from the door (where the lightswitch is) to the bed. Thanks!
5-star Italia Feb 8, 2011 by Dusu80
Spettacolo - Non accendo più le luci in casa!
5-star Italia Feb 6, 2011 by Ekkekka...
Utile - Fa sempre comodo una torcia in tasca. Funziona benissimo.
5-star Japan Feb 13, 2011 by あらららら不思議あら不思議
いいね! - 毎日寝る前の消灯時に真っ暗になるので歩いてベッドまで行く時に使ってます。重宝してます。
5-star Japan Nov 30, 2010 by 清孝 平生
使いやすい‼ - 車の足元に落ちた物を拾う時や映画館の出入りに使いました。思ってたより明るくて簡単でした。
5-star Japan Dec 8, 2010 by マークにゃな
助かるー - 暗いところで探し物をする時にかなり役立ちます。L E Dなのが嬉しいですね!
4-star Korea Jan 2, 2011 by 문주
유용해요 - 밤길에 꼭 필요한...
5-star Korea Dec 29, 2010 by Csy6379
Very good - 필요한 기능에 충실한 수작!
5-star Sweden Feb 12, 2011 by Shiido666
Perfekt - Alltid till hands. Ett måste
5-star Sweden Feb 9, 2011 by Joso81
Perfekt! - Vad kan man säga.. Bra belysning när man behöver det... Toppen
5-star Spain Jan 1, 2011 by Loixartx
Una buena linterna - Cumple perfectamente su cometido, sencilla y eficaz.
5-star Spain Dec 8, 2010 by Centralmaskota
Linterna - Muy buena, una linterna eficiente!!
5-star China Feb 21, 2011 by 丹宝~~
不错! - 那是相当给力呀!
5-star China Feb 18, 2011 by 悠悠晨风
还可以 - 还是很实用的。尤其是跳闸找保险的时候。
4-star Switzerland Dec 4, 2010 by Teramano1968
Buona applicazione - Ok
4-star Switzerland Jan 27, 2011 by Port.-1990
L E D - Sehr empfehlenswert!!!
5-star Germany Jan 17, 2011 by Eugen Baur
Das Licht Leuchte - Einfach, schnell zur Hand und praktisch.
5-star Germany Feb 3, 2011 by tomheu
Einfach eine Taschenlampe - praktisch, einfach, gut - was will man mehr
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