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Twelve Tone

Patrick Q. Kelly
4.7 out of 5

About Twelve Tone

An extensive music composition and analysis tool. An indispensable resource for any musician or music teacher interested in dodecaphonic and set theory analysis.

• Enter a tone row by touching the staff or playing the piano keyboard (on iPad).
• It lets you know if any notes are repeated by highlighting both notes, checking enharmonic values regardless of octave or accidentals.
• Automatically creates the Prime, Inversion, Retrograde, and Retrograde Inversion Magic Square.
• Constantly updates the Interval Vectors and Circular Analysis of the tone row as you edit it.

• Save your rows (rows may contain from 1 to 12 notes), complete with name and current P, R, I, RI matrix markings. Saved rows appear in a list with their name and midi numbers to help you identify them.
• Share a pdf of the notation, piano keyboard (iPad only), and circular analysis.
• Watch and listen to your row played with a selected rhythm pattern.
• Playback:
- Prime
- Prime then Retrograde
- Retrograde then Prime
- Retrograde
- Inversion
- Inversion then Retrograde Inversion
- Retrograde Inversion then Inversion
- Retrograde Inversion
• Each can be repeated and transposed with each iteration.
• The Root is kept within an octave above and below the original pitch when looping and transposing.

• Matrix Audio: Hear the pitches as you mark them in the matrix square. The marks indicate the row form in which the pitch belonged; Prime, Inversion, Retrograde, and Retrograde Inversion.

• Lock the prime row and transpose it to C to use the Absolute Pitch Method for row labeling in the matrix.

Comes preloaded with the following rows:
Alban Berg's Lyric Suite
Babbitt's Composition for Four Instruments
Schoenberg's Variations for Orchestra Op.31
Schoenberg's Piano Piece Op.33a
Webern's Concerto Op.24
Webern's Piano Variations Op.27
Webern's String Quartet Op.28

Twelve Tone Screenshots