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Ultimate Solver

Binary Arm (Pty) Ltd
4.0 out of 5

About Ultimate Solver

Ultimate Solver is the perfect tool to help you with crosswords, word games, and Sudoku puzzles.
Look up the meaning of words in the dictionary lightning quick!
Find words or parts of words easily - missing letters, anagrams etc.
And get that little extra hint to help you solve that difficult Sudoku puzzle.

New in previous Version:
- You can now look up the meaning of words in the dictionary, no internet connection required
- Added random word button, learn a new word a day!
- Added Regular Expression search (Regex)
- Now able to use more than one search mode at once
- Added Telephone Keypad search - find words based on numbers
- Speed improvements (up to 500% in some cases)

Ultimate Solver comes bundled with both:
- Word Solver
- Sudoku Solver

***Word Solver***:
Super fast word solving, useful for:
- crossword puzzles,
- word games,
- anagrams,
- word searches,
- sub-words,
- regular expression search
- telephone keypad numbers to words
- random word button, learn a new word a day!

Current Languages:
- English (combining both US and UK spellings)
- Italian

- Find word (allows wildcards to represent any character - useful for crosswords)
- Find words starting with certain characters
- Find words containing certain characters anywhere in the word
- Find anagrams of a word
- Find words using a sequence of letters (useful for newspaper word games)

***Sudoku Solver***:
Ultra quick, instant solving of sudoku puzzles - auto-updates as you key in values.

- Solve the entire sudoku puzzle,
- hint mode, which gives you one hint at a time to help you solve the rest of the puzzle yourself.
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