"My Rock-Bottom Price List(MyRBPrices)" is to record the lowest price free app.
Please enjoy the cheap shopping with this app.
The easy input is the first priority, so it is very simple.
Because treated as a single product the number difference and capacity difference, you can compare easily the price of extra large size.
You can easily compare the unit price of two products at the store.
Since You can change the group easily, just register the product rapidly and later on you can arrange it as you like.
[Explanation of a little difficult procedure]
Product row replacement:
Tap [Command] button → Tap [Edit List] button → Horizontal stripe icon drag and drop in the own group
Group row replacement:
Tap [Add Product] button →Tap the group field→Tap [Edit List] button → Horizontal stripe icon drag and drop
Delete Product:
Tap [Command] button → Tap [Edit List] button →Tap red circle in front of name→Tap [Delete] button
Swipe the target line to the right→Tap [Delete] button
Delete Price:
Tap [Edit] button →Tap red circle in front of name→Tap [Delete] button
Swipe the target line to the right→Tap [Delete] button
Delete Group/Shop/Unit:
Tap the input field→The list will be displayed→Tap [Edit List] button→Tap red circle in front of name→Tap [Delete] button
Tap the input field→The list will be displayed→Swipe the target line to the right→Tap [Delete] button
Change the group:
Tap [Command] button → Tap [Edit List] button → Horizontal stripe icon drag and drop to the other group
Select the product from the list→Tap [Edit Product Info] button→Tap the group field→Change the group→Tap [Update] button
Modify the price of the product:
Select the product from the list→Select the price from the list→Change the price→Tap [Update] button
Marge the product of the other volume:
Select the product from the list→Tap [Edit Product Info] button→Change equal to the volume of the product which you want to match→Tap [Update] button→Tap [OK] button in dialog box
Please enjoy the cheap shopping with this app.
The easy input is the first priority, so it is very simple.
Because treated as a single product the number difference and capacity difference, you can compare easily the price of extra large size.
You can easily compare the unit price of two products at the store.
Since You can change the group easily, just register the product rapidly and later on you can arrange it as you like.
[Explanation of a little difficult procedure]
Product row replacement:
Tap [Command] button → Tap [Edit List] button → Horizontal stripe icon drag and drop in the own group
Group row replacement:
Tap [Add Product] button →Tap the group field→Tap [Edit List] button → Horizontal stripe icon drag and drop
Delete Product:
Tap [Command] button → Tap [Edit List] button →Tap red circle in front of name→Tap [Delete] button
Swipe the target line to the right→Tap [Delete] button
Delete Price:
Tap [Edit] button →Tap red circle in front of name→Tap [Delete] button
Swipe the target line to the right→Tap [Delete] button
Delete Group/Shop/Unit:
Tap the input field→The list will be displayed→Tap [Edit List] button→Tap red circle in front of name→Tap [Delete] button
Tap the input field→The list will be displayed→Swipe the target line to the right→Tap [Delete] button
Change the group:
Tap [Command] button → Tap [Edit List] button → Horizontal stripe icon drag and drop to the other group
Select the product from the list→Tap [Edit Product Info] button→Tap the group field→Change the group→Tap [Update] button
Modify the price of the product:
Select the product from the list→Select the price from the list→Change the price→Tap [Update] button
Marge the product of the other volume:
Select the product from the list→Tap [Edit Product Info] button→Change equal to the volume of the product which you want to match→Tap [Update] button→Tap [OK] button in dialog box
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