NonogramZ Japanese crosswords icon

NonogramZ Japanese crosswords

Duksel Corp.
3.8 out of 5

About NonogramZ Japanese crosswords

NonogramZ - amazing game to solve japanese puzzles (also known as Nonograms, Hanjie, Griddlers). NonogramZ has 300 puzzles inside and more than 1000+ online puzzles!
Test your skill in solving puzzle-pictures!

- puzzle sizes from 10x10 to 25x25;
- black & white puzzles;
- colored puzzles - up to 5 colors;
- hints - will help you in solving of puzzles;
- rule - try it to count drawing lengths;
- chess style board;
- undo (up to 100 steps).

You can gain experience for each completed level. You can sign in (via email or Facebook) and safe your progress. Also add your friends & challenge with them!

- auto save puzzles;
- reopen last game;
- share result to facebook.

Try NonogramZ!
It will surprise you & you will like it!

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NonogramZ Japanese crosswords Screenshots