tottler: parents helper icon

tottler: parents helper

Roman Kuryanov

About tottler: parents helper

Are you a new parent, navigating the joyous but sometimes challenging world of caring for your infant? Look no further than Tottler: Parents Helper, your indispensable partner and Newborn Tracker in making the early stages of parenting a breeze.

Simplify Your Parenthood Journey with Comprehensive Baby Tracking:

Track Everything with Ease: Tottler simplifies the tracking of essential activities like feeding (breastfeeding, bottle, and solids), diaper changes, pumping, sleep, and more. It's your one-stop Baby Log solution for staying organized.

Capture Precious Moments: Preserve those special milestones with ease by taking notes and photos right within the app. Create cherished memories effortlessly.

Ensure Your Baby's Health: Keep a close eye on your infant's well-being. Monitor their mood, temperature, and upcoming doctor's appointments while securely storing important health records.

Empower Growth: Stay informed about your infant's development with growth tracking. Record weight, height, and head measurements, and celebrate each milestone along the way.

Sync Across Your Apple Devices with iCloud:

Effortless Data Syncing: Enjoy the convenience of seamless data synchronization between all your Apple devices via iCloud. Access your toddler's information anytime, anywhere, with ease and peace of mind.

Tottler: Parents Helper is more than just an app; it's your trusted companion and Newborn Tracker on the path to infant bliss. Download now and embrace parenthood with confidence and ease, knowing that your baby's information is securely synchronized across all your Apple gadgets. Discover the convenience of a comprehensive Baby Tracker with Tottler today.

With Tottler, you can rely on a versatile and user-friendly app designed to assist both mum and dad in the demanding but rewarding role of parenting. Whether you're a mother or father, Tottler has you covered. It's the ultimate Parents Helper, ensuring that you have everything you need at your fingertips to nurture and care for your growing family.

Why Tottler Stands Out:

- Parental Collaboration: Tottler understands that parenting is a shared responsibility. Collaborate seamlessly with your partner in tracking your infant's progress. Share information, set reminders, and stay on top of your child's needs together.
- Personalized Insights: Gain valuable insights into your infant's routines and habits. Tottler's intelligent analysis helps you understand feeding patterns, sleep cycles, and more, allowing you to make informed decisions about your child's well-being.
- User-Friendly Interface: We understand that as a busy parent, you need an app that's easy to use. Tottler's intuitive interface ensures that you can navigate the app effortlessly, even in those sleep-deprived moments.
- Security and Privacy: Your child's data is precious, and we take its security seriously. Tottler employs state-of-the-art encryption to protect your information. Your privacy is our priority.

Tottler is not just an app; it's your partner in the incredible journey of parenthood. From tracking your infant's growth to sharing moments of joy, Tottler is there every step of the way. Make parenting easier and more enjoyable with Tottler: Parents Helper. Download now and experience the difference for yourself.

Experience the peace of mind that comes with having a reliable parenting assistant by your side. Download Tottler: Parents Helper today and embark on your parenting journey with confidence and ease. Your children deserve the best, and Tottler is here to help you deliver just that.

Remember, Tottler is more than just an app; it's your trusted companion, your Baby Log, your Newborn Tracker, and your Parents Helper, all rolled into one. Welcome to the world of stress-free parenting with Tottler.

tottler: parents helper Screenshots