QR & Barcode Scanner | QCS icon

QR & Barcode Scanner | QCS

Aitor Sanchez Gonzalez

About QR & Barcode Scanner | QCS

You know? Perhaps I know why you're here...

Let's see...

You're here because you want to see what you're going to order when the waiter comes over, now, in two minutes to take note of what you're going to want to eat.

Moreover, there's only one menu at the table and you're the one who's been tasked with opening it and passing it around.

Logically, because you're the only one at the table who knows how to do something like that...

Or so they want you to think...

I'm telling you this because what I'm about to share now may interest you.

About 2 months ago, while sharing a table with my wife, my mother-in-law, my sister-in-law, my father-in-law, and my dog, in a place we go to every other weekend, I did NOT have to scan the menu and pass it around (it's always my job, but not that day).

I already had this idea in mind, the idea for this app, and when my wife started scanning the menu, I dedicated myself to doing something else...

I devoted myself to watching.


Watching how she used the application for the menu.

How the rest of the people who were also there used it, I don't know if they were there to eat or for something else.

I watched, watched, and watched...

Blip, ahhh
Blip, (elbow in the ribs) look at this
Blip, how much is the sirloin? And the lamb? Ahhh, good.
Blip... Pass me the menu.
And so on, one after another.

I watched to understand how those people, who I didn't know at all, and they didn't know me, used an application to see what they were going to put in their stomachs 20 minutes after closing that application.

Ah! And, 1 hour and 20 minutes later, what was going to come out of the same stomach, after using the application. Important.

And in doing this, I noticed there was a problem...
(The problem for which we're here)
The issue was that the person at the table in charge of opening the menu didn't know how to share it with the rest.

Whether it's because the app doesn't properly specify how to do it (User Experience).

Because it isn't properly indicated (User Interface).

Or, most likely, due to the ignorance of the person who is trying (unsuccessfully) to share the menu with the person sitting across from them.

At that very moment, absorbed in my observation, my wife snapped me out of my stupor to ask... Guess what.

"Aitor, how do I pass the menu?"

And the rest is history.

QR & Barcode Scanner | QCS Screenshots