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Habit Switch

Seiji Takeda

About Habit Switch

We have made the "life-changing" switch.
Turn your dreams, ideals, and goals into reality with the power of habits!

"Today is too busy, maybe tomorrow... and now it's been a week."
"Continuing every day? That's impossible with my personality."
"I've tried other habit-forming apps, but they didn't work."

Have you had these experiences or worries?
Failure to maintain consistency. Actually, it's not because of your personality or abilities.
The reason for failure is that we are not creating habits from the "brain."

1. Understanding the relationship between "brain" and habits.
2. Relying on "mechanism," not willpower.

These two are the fundamental principles of habit formation, and without them, we will repeat failures.

■ The Relationship Between "Brain" and Habits
"We" try to make what we think is "right" in our heads into a habit.
But it doesn't become a habit.
That's because the "brain" can only habituate what it feels as "pleasant" or "enjoyable.”

For example, waking up early.
"We want to make waking up early a healthy and productive habit.
However, the 'rightness' of it does not resonate with the 'brain.'
The 'brain' only judges based on 'pleasure' and 'enjoyment' and it tends to repeat only what feels 'pleasant' and 'enjoyable'.
If waking up early is "unpleasant" and "not enjoyable" for the "brain," habit formation fails and it tends to indulge in sleeping in.

You can't make a habit at all. That is a lie.
You can't make a habit out of an action that your brain doesn't find pleasurable.
You have already made a habit out of pleasurable behaviors.

So, we need to create a situation where the behavior we want to habituate is "enjoyable" for the brain.

■ Relying on "Mechanism," Not Willpower
Strong willpower. It's an "illusion." Unfortunately, motivation disappears within 48 hours inside the brain.
What we should do is not rely on willpower but depend on a "mechanism.”
So, how can we "mechanize" it?

1. Set a "trigger" for the action.
2. Make the habit you want to form "the easiest one.”
3. Provide a "reward."
4. Record your progress.

Repeating this cycle of steps 1 to 4 creates the "mechanism" of habit formation.
With this mechanism, the "brain" can avoid unnecessary choices and avoid "tediousness."
And the more the "mechanism" is repeated, the more the "brain" gains a sense of accomplishment, making habit formation possible without relying on willpower.

Those who can form habits are not those with "×strong willpower" but those who are skilled at "◎using mechanisms."

■ Why Can Habit Switch Succeed in Habit Formation?
Habit Switch provides not the "right habits" × "power of will" that fail in habit formation, but:
"Setting habits that make the brain happy" × "mechanism."

1. "Setting habits that make the brain happy" in the tutorial.
2. Fixation of "triggers" and prevention of action omissions with reminders.
3. Easy achievement with just a press of a switch.
4. Recording feature with notes.

Through the above process, Habit Switch creates the optimal cycle for "greedy and selfish brains" to habituate actions. With Habit Switch, you can naturally avoid actions that lead to frustration and focus on habit formation.

This is the difference from other habit-forming apps, and the reason why you can succeed in habit formation with Habit Switch.

■ Increase the Success Rate of Habit Formation Even Further
Declaring to someone or working on habit formation with someone else significantly increases the success rate.
Please try using Habit Switch with your friends or share the achievement screen of the app on social media.

Let's challenge together with "#habitswitch"!

■ The Everyday and Future with Habit Switch
Why do we fail in habit formation?
You now know the reasons and solutions.
You are different from the you until yesterday.

"Unlock Your Life"

By switching to Habit Switch, please make habit formation a success and bring your future into reality!

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