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Brian Masse
5.0 out of 5

About Echeveria

Whether playing a casual game of Spikeball at the beach or drowning in sweat during an intense round of Smash Bros, everybody loves to win. And though we all do out best in that pursuit, skill and prestige unfortunately fall before the ever elusive 'credibility:' a great beach trip or a long night of board games suddenly become tense as scores are misremembered, track records are exaggerated, and losses are muddled. Echeveria, with its rich set of game logging, tracking, and visualizing features, solves these manic moments by providing an empirical look into a group's game playing history. The friendly app slots perfectly into any group, physical or remote, allowing people to stay connected with their friends or bond with new people over the games they love, all while offering a road to the all important, intangibly beautiful, inspiringly powerful: bragging rights.

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