Blindfold Games are entertainment apps provided as a service to the visually impaired community by Objective Ed. Your in-app upgrades pay for the development and support of these games.
Cryptogram is a fully accessible Cryptogram game for both sighted and visually impaired people, designed for rapid audio play.
Cryptogram comes with 5 assorted Cryptogram quotes by famous people - categories include age, change, computers, being cool and education - and the game is entirely controlled through gestures. It doesn't require voice-over but is fully compatible with voice-over.
The Cryptogram puzzle board is not visible; instead, you play by listening. Flick left and right to move one letter at a time, and hear the encrypted letter. Swipe with 2 fingers to move one word left, or one word right. Swipe up to hear the entire encrypted puzzle, and your solution.
You can enter your solution for each letter three different ways- using a Bluetooth keypad, using the alphabet at the bottom of the screen, or using a popup keypad. The popup keypad also provides buttons for getting hints, and a frequency table.
You can customize the game to your liking: how much extra information is spoken and how quickly it is spoken.
Cryptogram is a fully accessible Cryptogram game for both sighted and visually impaired people, designed for rapid audio play.
Cryptogram comes with 5 assorted Cryptogram quotes by famous people - categories include age, change, computers, being cool and education - and the game is entirely controlled through gestures. It doesn't require voice-over but is fully compatible with voice-over.
The Cryptogram puzzle board is not visible; instead, you play by listening. Flick left and right to move one letter at a time, and hear the encrypted letter. Swipe with 2 fingers to move one word left, or one word right. Swipe up to hear the entire encrypted puzzle, and your solution.
You can enter your solution for each letter three different ways- using a Bluetooth keypad, using the alphabet at the bottom of the screen, or using a popup keypad. The popup keypad also provides buttons for getting hints, and a frequency table.
You can customize the game to your liking: how much extra information is spoken and how quickly it is spoken.
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