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Tsuyoshi Niwa
4.3 out of 5

About MemoMa

A journal app saving notes on calendar. Super easy to take notes from your phone and Apple Watch.

You can write as many notes as you like in a few operations.
You can also write from AppleWatch
Register frequently used phrases and tags in "Quick Items" to speed up input.
Since the save destination is a calendar, it can be used for schedule management.

You can automatically display notes, schedules, and photos of the day in chronological order (or reverse order) (like a private timeline).
In album mode, you can also read comments attached to photos.
View events for a specific day, week or month. If you specify the itinerary etc., only a specific period will be displayed like a travelogue.
You can also read it on your Apple Watch.

Nostalgia mode:
You can immerse yourself in the memory of what you did, what you wrote, and what kind of photos you took years ago (can be used as a 10-year diary)

Bulk Edit:
You can select multiple notes (or calendar events) and batch copy, delete, move dates, etc.

You can search in 3 ways (Literal / Include all search terms/ Include any one search term).
If the search result is a comment attached to a photo, the photo will also be displayed in the result.
Diacritic insensitive search and case insensitive search

Maps and navigation features:
You can display the location set in the note (or schedule) on the map.
You can check a photo's shooting location on the map.
You can open external apps (Apple Maps, Google Maps, etc.) by tapping the map, and you can also search for routes from your current location.

MemoMa Screenshots