The ZUL Rotativo Digital BH is the app accredited by BHTRANS and Prodabel to use the Rotating Parking spaces in Belo Horizonte / MG < / (capital). Buy and activate your BH Digital Rotator safely and easily. Pay your BH rotary parking as you prefer, quickly and safely: through Credit, Debit,
In "Mala Vermelha" you will live an interactive story of investigation in the skin of Police Officer Muriel. Bored in the small town, Muriel's life is altered when a red suitcase appears in the middle of the city. It is the beginning of Muriel's adventure, trying to catch a murderer, before he finis
Possuimos uma localização privilegiada e de fácil acesso no Povoado Jenipapo-Lagarto/SE, oferecendo atividades físicas que proporcionam prazer, (Musculação, FitDance, Treinamento Funcional, Jump) satisfação e bem estar em uma estrutura moderna. Contamos com uma equipe excelência no mercado de trabal
The Brazilian Red Cross is part of the largest humanitarian aid network in the world. It is one of 190 National Societies that make up the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. Founded on December 5, 1908, it was constituted based on the Geneva Conventions, to which Brazil is a signator
Controle uma nave perdida no espaço. Evite que ele se estilhace na borda da tela ou nas misteriosas paredes vermelhas. Com três modos diferentes e vários navios esperando por você, diversão não faltará.
Dez E Range is an application to help you manage your football match. It allows you to register your friends, count goals and assists, in addition to making the dispute much more exciting. If you don't want something that big, you can choose to play just one quick game.
Great app for admirers and creators, * audio *Images * Set the audio as ringtone, notification and alarm and much more .... check it out.
Tracking application for diseases, endemics, comorbidities and social problems and crowdfunding with the participation of artists and celebrities! Help and donate to various causes and humanitarian aid actions. Brazilian Red Cross
Encontre sua música favorita aqui. A mais recente coleção de músicas e listas de reproduo offline, onde quer que esteja. O que quer que você faça. Este aplicativo permite que você ouça mais música e áudio. CARACTERÍSTICA PRINCIPAL 1. Todos os applicativos podem ser reproduzidos sem internet 2. Pesq
This application facilitates communication between all areas of the Brazilian Red Cross - MS. You can make your requests here, receive your updates and be informed of the most important events.
More than an application, it is a delivery application that allows its customers to view the menu offered by the establishment and place orders by smartphone, being an ideal tool to increase their earnings and practice facilitating that the order can be delivered where the customer is in the order.
IBET PRÊMIOS is a Single Payment, of the Premium Philanthropy Modality regulated in Federal Law no. 13.019 / 14 art. 84 b, 84 c, provided by CRUZ VERMELHA - BRANCH OF THE STATE OF CEARÁ, a legal entity under private law, constituted in the form of a philanthropic civil association, which is an inter
A aplicação Separação binaural - Competências Auditivas é uma APP que contém 35 faixas, desenvolvida pelas terapeutas da fala Filipa Branco e Sara Araújo, sob a orientação da Professora Doutora Cristiane Lima Nunes, com o objetivo de desenvolver o Processamento Auditivo Central, mais especificamente
Install our application to follow our transmissions, see LIVE images through our studio and also get in touch with us, in addition to checking out our complete programming grid.
Great app for fans and creators, here's a super app packed with lots of entertainment options the app has, audio, images, sharing option, option to set audio as ringtone, notification and alarm and much more... check it out.
Now in Lagoa Vermelha - RS it is easier to order your favorite pizza! The new application for online orders from Boka's Pizzaria e Restaurante has arrived. Boka's Pizzaria - Lagoa Vermelha / RS.
Panificadora Regional da Vermelha is a company based in Vermelha, in the municipality of Cadaval, which has been dedicated to the manufacture and sale of bread since 1969. Beginning as a small family-owned bakery, it has gradually grown, as a result of the recognition by our consumers, always trying
The Brazilian Red Cross has been an institution in the country for 110 years. We have units in 20 states and in the Federal District, and we provide humanitarian aid within Brazil. To modernize and be closer to the population, the Red Cross has created its Application, the CVB APP. Downloading the A
Classifieds, Promotions, Companies, Trades, Professionals, Products, Services, Job Vacancies, News, Events, Lost and Found, Weather Forecast, Terra Vermelha Bus Times and Region - Vila Velha / ES