EBMS CDH is developed for Employee Benefit Management Services, Inc. The app provides a single access point for participants to manage their consumer driven healthcare and other tax favored benefit accounts. EBMS CDH provides the following functionality: • Benefit Health Account balances and detai
Save time and hassles while making the most of your HSA, HRA, and FSA health benefit accounts by quickly checking your balances and details. Our secure app makes managing your health benefits easy through real-time access and intuitive navigation to all your important account information on the go!
The miBenefits app furthers EBMS’ commitment to simplify the benefit journey by giving our customers instant access to their information. FEATURES: Secure, real-time information, access to benefit plan coverage, ID cards and instant notifications to keep you informed 24/7. SECURITY: Setting up you
CDH International, the world's oldest and largest charity for Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia, offers research, support and awareness services globally. CDH is a birth defect that occurs when a baby's diaphragm fails to fully form, allowing abdominal organs into the chest cavity and preventing lun
We have been working hard on developing an app that makes the EBM Creations shopping experience that much easier. So if you don't know who we are let us briefly tell you. We are a small business located in Windham, Maine and we make a range of different Home, Bath & Body products. Our flagship produ
This app provides a point-of-care resource for evidence-based and consensus-driven national guidelines for the health surveillance and care of patients with congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH). The guidelines cover all aspects of care beginning at prenatal diagnosis through to hospital discharge a
eBMS/Mobile™ is a beautifully designed and developed iOS app for home automation, building automation, control and monitoring designed for Tridium Niagara 4. Monitor and Control Everything without Exception Control and interact with air conditioning units, under floor heating and lighting systems t
Occasionally in medicine, we really need to "do the math". This app will help. EBM Stats Calc let's a clinician do calculations that are hard or impossible to do in one's head. A clinician can get NNT's (number needed to treat) from rates, percentages, or raw event and patient numbers. And a cli
A way to clock in and out of EBMS while not on the network.
London Health's CDH mobile application allows you to manage your HRA, FSA and/or HSA on the go. Some of the features include: • Ability to fund HSA account from checking/savings account • Same username /password as the online portal (no need to register your mobile device, just download, login, and
This app will help you stay connected with Embracing Brokenness Ministries. As a teaching and mentoring ministry, EBM assists those wanting to go deeper into their transformational journey with Christ; willing to be authentic and vulnerable in their own experience of brokenness in the process. With
iDO medical image viewer is quickly becoming the next generation in mobile medical image viewing by combining multi-modality imaging with individualized physician workflow. iDO Viewer allows facilities to retrieve multi-modality images from their existing EBM PACS server or a 3rd party PACS server
FHR App can receive DICOM images shared by PACS, modalities, or any DICOM compatible software via Wi-Fi or 3G/4G networks, support viewing of medical images in standard DICOM format, and allow multi-modality DICOM images to be stored on iOS-based devices. The app is designed by EBM Technologies for
【352Air】是一款提供空气质量检测、空气净化解决方案的物联网App,由北京352环保科技有限公司研发。 352环保科技是一家专注于空气和水净化领域,为用户提供洁净的空气和水整体解决方案的创新型科技公司,2014年4月创立于北京。 352源自成语 " 三下五除二 " ,意喻迅速快捷、干净利落地解决空气和水污染问题。 【352Air】可将352品牌的【X83系列空气净化器】、【X50/X60/X50S空气净化器】、【G30/G45新风净化机】、【M25检测仪】等空气净化产品通过Wi-Fi接入互联网,实现远程控制、实时数据与历史数据查看,并可在空气净化器与检测仪、新风净化机之间实现联动净化
Ayo, jelajahi serunya aplikasi Ensiklopedi Bocah Muslim! Sali dan Saliha masuk ke dalam sebuah peti. Ternyata, mereka masuk ke dunia yang menakjubkan. Berdua mereka harus menjelajah dari satu pulau ke pulau yang lain, untuk menemukan kunci-kunci yang bisa digunakan untuk membuka peti rahasia. Untuk
AllyPro Mobile is the companion application for the AllyPro EBM (enterprise business manager). AllyPro Mobile allows field workers to receive orders, scan service equipment, and record service status. Results are reported back to AllyPro, including GPS location of the order completion, date and time
KBV IM TASCHENFORMAT Mit Ihrem Smartphone erhalten Sie alle aktuellen Informationen der Kassenärztlichen Bundesvereinigung für niedergelassene Psychotherapeuten und Ärzte nun auch im mobilen Taschenformat. Die App KBV2GO! umfasst den Einheitlichen Bewertungsmaßstab (EBM), sowie die internationale s
EBM, Industrial, Futurepop, Darkwave, Post-Punk, Synthpop, Goth & more from the original EBM-Radio.com.
EBMcalc Statistics EBMcalc is the most popular and comprehensive Medical Calculator system on the web. It has been highly acclaimed, reviewed and tested over the last 20 years. EBMcalc users should not make any medical decisions based on app content without seeking their doctor's advice. EBMcalc
EBM公式アプリは、会員のお客様、ビジターのお客様向けのEBM公式アプリです。 ご予約をはじめとした様々な機能で、スキンケアスタジオのご利用をサポートいたします。 Point1 いつでもオンライン予約! 日時とコースを選択するだけの簡単操作でスキンケアスタジオのご予約ができます。 Point2 PUSH配信でお得な情報をお届け 毎月のキャンペーン・イベント情報や美容情報をお届けします。 Point3 マイページでいつでも確認 保有ポイント数やご来店の履歴などの情報がマイページでご確認いただけます。 Point4 24時間いつでもお買い物 EBMオンラインショップで24時間いつでもお買い