As per Vedic astrology, planets transit across zodiac signs all the time and when they enter a particular sign they can cause favorable/unfavorable effects depending on the position of other planets in one's horoscope.
* Charts quantified effects and the timing of the effects graphically in a easy to compare and understand pattern.
* Provides the complete astakavarga scores for each planet as well as the summation of the values for each sign known as Sarvastakavarga (SAV) scores.
* Presents the Astakavarga Yoga (Shodhya) Pinda, Rasi and Graha Pinda scores as well as the Yoga Pinda transits along with its effects.
* Provides Prastara Astakavarga (PAV) based transit timings and its effects based on transit Kakshya(s).
* Supports 3 Astakavarga Systems: Parasara, Varahamihira and Kalyana Varma.
* Supports multiple profiles so you can save and lookup the details of your loved ones too!
Enjoy the app! It's absolutely FREE!!!
For suggestions/comments/bugs please email with the details at
Copyrights (c) Shashtra Apps
* Charts quantified effects and the timing of the effects graphically in a easy to compare and understand pattern.
* Provides the complete astakavarga scores for each planet as well as the summation of the values for each sign known as Sarvastakavarga (SAV) scores.
* Presents the Astakavarga Yoga (Shodhya) Pinda, Rasi and Graha Pinda scores as well as the Yoga Pinda transits along with its effects.
* Provides Prastara Astakavarga (PAV) based transit timings and its effects based on transit Kakshya(s).
* Supports 3 Astakavarga Systems: Parasara, Varahamihira and Kalyana Varma.
* Supports multiple profiles so you can save and lookup the details of your loved ones too!
Enjoy the app! It's absolutely FREE!!!
For suggestions/comments/bugs please email with the details at
Copyrights (c) Shashtra Apps
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