* Implements Asta (8) and Dasa (10) Koota system of matchmaking, a method for partnership matching in vedic astrology that is based on the analysis of the zodiac position of the Moon for the couple in question.
Each koota is assigned certain points and then totalled. A score of 18 or above is considered as good while anything less is considered unfavorable for marriage.
* Provides the details for kootas such as Varna, Vashya, Tara/Dina, Yoni, Graha Maitri, Gana, Bhakoota/Rasi and Nadi. In addition kootas such as Mahendra, Stri Deergha, Rajju, Vedha, Vihanga, Nakshatra Bhuta and Rasi Bhuta are also presented.
* Performs Kuja Dosha (Manglik) analysis and provides match details such as Shashtastaka, Dwidwadasha, Navapanchama and Samasaptama.
* Analyzes synastry aspects such as Trines, Conjunctions, Squares etc. between profiles using Orb or Sign based system. Aspects are categorized and scored based on their nature and impact.
* Provides details on synastry element and mode compatibility. Balance between various elements such as Fire, Earth, Water etc. are analyzed and its compatibility evaluated.
* Lets you save the matching details as profiles that you can load for easy retrieval anytime.
Enjoy the app! It's absolutely FREE!!!
For suggestions/comments/bugs please email with the details at shashtra.apps@gmail.com
Copyrights (c) Shashtra Apps
* Implements Asta (8) and Dasa (10) Koota system of matchmaking, a method for partnership matching in vedic astrology that is based on the analysis of the zodiac position of the Moon for the couple in question.
Each koota is assigned certain points and then totalled. A score of 18 or above is considered as good while anything less is considered unfavorable for marriage.
* Provides the details for kootas such as Varna, Vashya, Tara/Dina, Yoni, Graha Maitri, Gana, Bhakoota/Rasi and Nadi. In addition kootas such as Mahendra, Stri Deergha, Rajju, Vedha, Vihanga, Nakshatra Bhuta and Rasi Bhuta are also presented.
* Performs Kuja Dosha (Manglik) analysis and provides match details such as Shashtastaka, Dwidwadasha, Navapanchama and Samasaptama.
* Analyzes synastry aspects such as Trines, Conjunctions, Squares etc. between profiles using Orb or Sign based system. Aspects are categorized and scored based on their nature and impact.
* Provides details on synastry element and mode compatibility. Balance between various elements such as Fire, Earth, Water etc. are analyzed and its compatibility evaluated.
* Lets you save the matching details as profiles that you can load for easy retrieval anytime.
Enjoy the app! It's absolutely FREE!!!
For suggestions/comments/bugs please email with the details at shashtra.apps@gmail.com
Copyrights (c) Shashtra Apps
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