There are 102 questions with preparative offline feedback for FEDERAL REGIONAL COURT 4 JUDICIARY TECHNICAL REGION TECNOLOGIA DE INFORMACAO 2019.
See the feedback template on the hour and evaluate your performance on the main screen, which shows the number of questions answered and the hit rate. On the topic screen, quickly see what questions you have answered, and which ones have been answered correctly or not.
The topics covered are:
Fundamentals of computer architecture and organization
Fundamentals of organization and architecture of computers> Systems
Programming languages
Programming Languages> IT Infrastructure Management (Service Management Concepts (ITL v3))
Notions of Administrative Law
Notions of Administrative Law> Administrative act
Notions of Administrative Law> Powers and duties of public administrators
Notions of Administrative Law> Legal Regime of Federal Public Servants, Law no. 8.112 / 1990 with subsequent amendments
Notions of Administrative Law> Legal Regime of Federal Public Servants, Law no. 8.112 / 1990 with subsequent amendments> Rights and advantages
Notions of Constitutional Law
Notions of Constitutional Law> Public Administration
Notions of Constitutional Law> From the organization of the State
Notions of Constitutional Law> Fundamental Rights and Guarantees
Notions of Constitutional Law> Judicial Power
Logical-Mathematical Reasoning
Logical-Mathematical Reasoning> Proportional numbers and quantities
Logical-Mathematical Reasoning> Whole and rational numbers
Computer network
Information security
Operational systems
Technical vocabulary with English expressions
Questions can be redone as often as you like.
Take the time to solve some issues and learn constantly. It is very important the constant training so that at the time of the resolution of the competition in the contest you have the internalized resolution format, thus, you will gain time and tranquility during the execution of the competition.
See the feedback template on the hour and evaluate your performance on the main screen, which shows the number of questions answered and the hit rate. On the topic screen, quickly see what questions you have answered, and which ones have been answered correctly or not.
The topics covered are:
Fundamentals of computer architecture and organization
Fundamentals of organization and architecture of computers> Systems
Programming languages
Programming Languages> IT Infrastructure Management (Service Management Concepts (ITL v3))
Notions of Administrative Law
Notions of Administrative Law> Administrative act
Notions of Administrative Law> Powers and duties of public administrators
Notions of Administrative Law> Legal Regime of Federal Public Servants, Law no. 8.112 / 1990 with subsequent amendments
Notions of Administrative Law> Legal Regime of Federal Public Servants, Law no. 8.112 / 1990 with subsequent amendments> Rights and advantages
Notions of Constitutional Law
Notions of Constitutional Law> Public Administration
Notions of Constitutional Law> From the organization of the State
Notions of Constitutional Law> Fundamental Rights and Guarantees
Notions of Constitutional Law> Judicial Power
Logical-Mathematical Reasoning
Logical-Mathematical Reasoning> Proportional numbers and quantities
Logical-Mathematical Reasoning> Whole and rational numbers
Computer network
Information security
Operational systems
Technical vocabulary with English expressions
Questions can be redone as often as you like.
Take the time to solve some issues and learn constantly. It is very important the constant training so that at the time of the resolution of the competition in the contest you have the internalized resolution format, thus, you will gain time and tranquility during the execution of the competition.
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